Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rain, rain, go away.

I've got the TV on in the background and I hear these words which don't quite sound right: "Winter sale starts 16th June."

Yeah it's winter here in Auckland and don't I know it. In the past week I think there's been one day it hasn't rained. This probably wouldn't be too much of a problem, but I have 3 kids to keep busy during the day and the rain really does limit the activities. Last weekend, Sophie (my fellow British ex-au pair) and I decided to take a drive up Mount Eden to see the view of Auckland. [Photo's courtesy of Sophie's facebook]

This is what we saw:

In other words nothing. I think it was rather naive of us to think we might be able to see much. On clearer days, Mt Eden offers some great views over Auckland and there's also a volcano crater that we couldn't see due to fog.

This is what we looked like: 

Yeah, from just a couple of minutes in the rain/wind/fog, we looked like that (I say 'we' but Sophie still looks good.) This was after Sophie's humongous RWC umbrella got blown inside out and subsequently ruined.

Gotta love Auckland and it's weather. I'm pretty sure it's only gonna get worse. 

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