Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This post is about a cat.

Please excuse the lack of make-up in the photo, it's  been a long day.
This is Lucy, the barmy Burmese kitten. More about her later.

I'm 3 days into my stint as an au pair and on a whole it's going quite well. All three children are still alive and have not had any major injuries that have involved a trip to a&e. (Just for the record there have been no injuries at all.) Before I began I did begin to get a little bit nervous about looking after 3 kids all under 4 but it isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, it ain't easy. Trying to understand what a 2 year old (who can't talk) is saying and changing nappies is not fun. Challenging to say the least, especially at 8am. It also doesn't help that the eldest, Harrison, is trying to push boundaries to see what he can get away with. I had a moment today where I actually thought "I'm three days in and I've managed to lose a kid already! I'm so fired."

As I was getting 'afternoon tea' ready, Harrison was out playing rugby (by himself) on the drive.  I look up and couldn't see him anywhere. I go out and call his name and there's no answer. I went through the house, no where to be seen. I looked round the back of the house and there was no sign of him.  I begin to assume he's wandered up the road. I'm panicking because I can't leave the other two on there own while I run up the drive to find him. Suddenly I hear Harrison giggling in the garage. He was hiding under a table. The biggest sigh of relief. I survived another day.

Thankfully though, they are really good kids and most of the time do behave themselves. Also the parents (my bosses) are lovely too and are really making an effort to make me feel at home and part of the family. Dinner cooked for me? Yes please! 

Now most of you know, I'm prefer dogs. I'm kind of indifferent to cats and the only cats I really like are Penny's. But I have the pleasure of living with the wonder that is Lucy. Lucy loves my bed. Or should I say under my bed. This morning I got the shock of her grabbing my leg as I got out of bed. She can do pretty impressive jumps, for example onto my arm. Today I was trying to get a picture of a grasshopper that was on the patio doors. I was really struggling to get the focus on the bug (even on manual focus, grrrr) so I'm hunch over, trying at different angles when suddenly Lucy jumps on my back. After a little while I tried to stand up because she was not moving, and she just sits on my shoulder. She has also taken to chewing on my hand. Crazy cat.

She seems quite amused by my laptop. When she came and sat infront of me, I just had to take a picture. She was just watching what was going on on the screen. I left it on the webcam and began recording. It was so funny because she was just so curious about her own reflection but the video won't play or upload. Sad face.

In other news, I have a long weekend coming up. These Kiwis get a day off for the Queen's Birthday. Nice one Lizzy! Also, I got to boggle my Grandad's mind today by calling his house on Skype. I do miss him. 

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