Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I bet you were wondering if I would ever blog again.

Well I'm back, for now, after a number of (not so) subtle requests that I start up again. I'm looking at you Miss Linehan.

I guess I will need to change the purpose and description of this blog because I'm no longer reporting on my travels. Sad face. I didn't think that anyone would be interested in my weekend escapades here in the UK but apparently they are. So here we are again.

I've been back in rainy old Manchester for coming up to four months and oh my, it's flown by. And to say I'm not missing New Zealand would be a big fat lie. Sometimes I feel like I'm just waiting for the day that I'm going to go back. And I know that it's not going to be happening anytime soon. It's strange to just leave a life behind like that. But I've been doing my best (and mostly failing) at keeping in touch with all my NZ whanau.

Never before have I been so grateful for things such as Facebook, Skype, FaceTime, Viber and Voxer. With these things I wake up to daily messages from my beloved friends and I also get to see their beautiful faces regularly.

This is what Amanda looks like while she's brushing her teeth. Just in case you were wondering. 

So I was watching Amanda get ready for work (got a bit jealous of her cereal, not gonna lie) and she reminded me that it had been a year to the day since our Rangitoto adventure. With it being a year since that, it also means that it was also my birthday yesterday, which was pretty uneventful. If you speak to my mother, please laugh at her for forgetting my birthday - she loves it. One year closer to the scary age, but far enough away to still feel young. 

So what have I been doing since returning to England I hear you ask. 

The answer is a lot. 

The majority of my time has been consumed with work. But there's been a lot of catching up with friends. A lot of food. Making new friends. A lot of Olympics watched (on tv of course). There's been EFY.

Because pictures say it better than I ever could, here we go. 

So there we go. 

1 comment:

Kelly-Anne said...

I knew those very subtle hints would pay off! :) It is rather amusing that I can remember your birthday from the other side of the world (and by some miracle your card arrived on time!) but you Mum can't! tehee! I look forward to MANY more blogs!! xo

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