Saturday, April 21, 2012

So awesome.

Yesterday I was walking through the supermarket car park with Matthew and Sienna.

My mind was a little preoccupied with ensuring the kids didn't get run over and trying to remember whether I actually had the shopping list of mince and cucumber memorised or if there was something I was forgetting. 

Matthew pipes up.

"Is the Easter Bunny real?"

Without thinking I just flat out told him that EB didn't exist. 

Guilt begins to set in and I begin to brain storm how I can back out of this one. 
Thankfully his response was: "I didn't think it was. I told the people at school and they don't believe me. They say he's real."

I obviously didn't upset him too much as he made me a treasure map today to find two notes he'd written for me. 

The funny part is he asked me how to spell awesome. And Marianne. So I was a bit suspicious.

Sienna wrote me a note too.

I'm gonna miss these kids.

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