Sunday, June 12, 2011

Let the sunshine...

Yes I'm totally singing that blog title. I feel the need to write after my post yesterday because today went against everything I wrote. Weather wise at least. It was a beautiful sunny day. I was obviously giving Auckland more grief than it deserved over the lack of sunshine.

But today the sun, which I have been craving, showed it's face and allowed me to walk all the way to church without the fear of getting drenched by the Auckland rain. It also allowed me to go to Michaels Avenue Reserve and just relax in the sun while musing over why the pukekos have such big feet. Or whatever it is that birds have instead of feet.


Anonymous said...

Singing slow club? X

Anonymous said...

Ha lame I mean au revoir Simone. I just like the cover slow club did. Feel free to ignore me x

moonbeam said...

Nicola, you have me searching high and low for Slow Club's version of this. youtube is failing me. x

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