Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just wondering...

What is the weather like in England?
Today in Vietnam we have sunshine and its 27 degrees.



Jargon said...

Lol, not really. A hot weekend has passed, it got up to about 21 degrees, all our office went out and I was trying to persude bosswoman to go out and drink in the park! Turns out neither of us did that when we were 14 lol! Now it's started to rain again, goes inbetween kind of warm and a bit cold.... glad to see you're having a nice time! x

moonbeam said...

The difference between your good weather and my good weather is that I don't have to look at it from an office!! I'm suprised you didn't convince her to go out for a drink in the park! x

Jargon said...

I almost did actually, once she realised she could get away with it if it was joined by a picnic! She made other plans though, like all bar one of us didn't win on the Grand National bet! We were looking at it from outside due to it only being over the weekend(!), bar Coxy, who had to go a wedding and go gambling mad!

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